Friday, January 7, 2011


Like walking into a dreamSo unlike what you’ve seen
So unsure but it seems
‘Cause we’ve been waiting for you

Fallen into this place
Just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay
You’ll be back here soon anyway

I see a distant light
But girl, this can’t be right
Such a surreal place to see
So how did this come to be, arrived too early?

And when I think of all the places
I just don’t belong
I’ve come to grips with life
And realize this is going too far

I don’t belong here, we gotta move on, dear. Escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I’m right to move on and on
Far away from here

A place of hope and no pain
Perfect skies with no rain
Can leave this place but refrain
‘Cause we’ve been waiting for you

Fallen into this place
Just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay
You’ll be back here soon anyway

This peace on earth’s not right
(With my back against the wall)
No pain or sign of time
(I?m much too young to fall)

So out of place don’t wanna stay
I feel wrong and that’s my sign
I’ve made up my mind

Give me your hand
But realize I just wanna say goodbye
Please understand I have to leave
And carry on my own life

I don’t belong here, I gotta move on, dear
Escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I’m right to move on and on
Far away from here

Got nothing against you
And surely I’ll miss you
This place full of peace and light
And I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Loved ones back home all crying
‘Cause they’re already missing me
I pray by the grace of God
That there’s somebody listening

Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be

(I am unbroken, Im choking on this ecstasy)
Oh Lord, I’ll try so hard but You gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live)

Aku ini apaseh -_-

Bakatku itu apa seh? Ngapa-ngapain kok nggak bisa. Olahraga nggak bisa, nari gak bisa, pinter yo nggak terlalu, nyanyi cempreng, opo-opoan. --
Kadang-kadang yo setres sendiri lihat temen-temen yang bisa main gitar, main piano, dll. Lha aku daridulu pengen les musik tapi gak jadi-jadi --''
Tapi yo gakpapa lah. Bersyukur aja. Mungkin bukannya nggak ada bakat, tapi belum ketemu (?) hahaha.
Udah ya, ini post geje. Mau curhat tapi belum sempet beli buku diary. (?) Jadi ditulis disini aja. Hahahah

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hello. Aku mau bilang kalo sekarang blogku agak rusak. Jadi postingannya tuh 'kepajang' 2 kali. Cuma mau minta perhatian aja, kalo ada postingan 2 kali, langsung ke halaman berikutnya aja kalo mau lihat postingan sebelumnya. Atau kalo nggak ke tumblrku aja, disitu ada beberapa postingan yang nggak masuk sini.
thanks all

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aww :3

Tadi aku kan naik bemo. Nah ada ibu-ibu. Ibu-ibunya tuh ngelihatin dasiku. Nyaritau nama sekolahku. Aku sih diem aja, pura2 gatau. Takut bikin tersinggung.
Trus ibunya tanya, "sekolah di smp 6 ya?"
Aku : "iya"
Ibunya: "dimana itu?"
Aku : "jalan Jawa"
Ibunya : "Jauh banget ya, rumahnya dimana?"
Aku : "Dinas Peternakan, Ahmad Yani"
Ibunya : "oo-oh"
Ibunya : "kelas 1 ya?"
Aku : "iya.."
Ibunya : *ngelihatin bajuku* "kok nggak pake nama dada?"
Aku : "belum dipasang *nahan ketawa*"
Ibunya : "baru pindah ya?"
Aku : "ngga kok, cuman belum dipasang aja"
Ibunya : "mbaknya cantik"
Aku : *blushing*
Ibunya : "ini rambutnya jangan nutupin mata" *ngebenerin poni acakacakan kesayanganku*
Aku : "hehehe"
Ibunya : *ngomong2 ke ibu sebelahnya* "iya lho, mbaknya ini cantik, tinggi lagi"
Ibu2 lain: "iya tinggi.."
Aku : *blushing*

Ih waaaw, masa aku dibilang cantik? what!?
Yasudah deh, makasih :D sampe rumah, aku ke cermin. Ternyata aku nggak sejelek yang aku bayangkan. Tapi tetep aja aneh kalo ada orang yang nggak dikenal bilang aku cantik. Tanpa bermaksud menyindir pula. ha-ha-ha
Another postingan geje from me (:

HPku sering stres ._.

Sekarang ini, hpku udah agak setres. Kadang-kadang, tiba-tiba touchscreennya tuh error. Nggak bisa di sentuh. Bisa sih disentuh (iyalah) tapi nggak ngerespon. Trus tiba-tiba hapeku nge-reboot sendiri. Mati, trus nyala lagi. Restrarting gitu deh. Pas pertama kali terjadi, aku mikir gini : duh, duh, hapeku kenapa? plis dong Corb, jangan rusak, kamu hapeku satusatunya. Pliiiis. Aku sayang kamu hape, jangan rusak dong. Nanti aku kesepian. Nanti nggak bisa dengerin musik. (ngomong-ngomong, hapeku aku panggil Corb)  .
Tapi makin lama makin sering error. Akhirnya aku bilangnya gini : Ah, dammit! kenapa sih kamu sering error? ergh! kamu niat nggak sih jadi hape? awas kamu!

Haha, ini postingan geje. Iseng doang biar blog nggak kosong. Lalala~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

quote by me ;)

tumblr is totally amazing. but i have sooo many lifestories in my blog ♥

Friday, January 7, 2011


Like walking into a dreamSo unlike what you’ve seen
So unsure but it seems
‘Cause we’ve been waiting for you

Fallen into this place
Just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay
You’ll be back here soon anyway

I see a distant light
But girl, this can’t be right
Such a surreal place to see
So how did this come to be, arrived too early?

And when I think of all the places
I just don’t belong
I’ve come to grips with life
And realize this is going too far

I don’t belong here, we gotta move on, dear. Escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I’m right to move on and on
Far away from here

A place of hope and no pain
Perfect skies with no rain
Can leave this place but refrain
‘Cause we’ve been waiting for you

Fallen into this place
Just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay
You’ll be back here soon anyway

This peace on earth’s not right
(With my back against the wall)
No pain or sign of time
(I?m much too young to fall)

So out of place don’t wanna stay
I feel wrong and that’s my sign
I’ve made up my mind

Give me your hand
But realize I just wanna say goodbye
Please understand I have to leave
And carry on my own life

I don’t belong here, I gotta move on, dear
Escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I’m right to move on and on
Far away from here

Got nothing against you
And surely I’ll miss you
This place full of peace and light
And I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Loved ones back home all crying
‘Cause they’re already missing me
I pray by the grace of God
That there’s somebody listening

Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be

(I am unbroken, Im choking on this ecstasy)
Oh Lord, I’ll try so hard but You gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live)

Aku ini apaseh -_-

Bakatku itu apa seh? Ngapa-ngapain kok nggak bisa. Olahraga nggak bisa, nari gak bisa, pinter yo nggak terlalu, nyanyi cempreng, opo-opoan. --
Kadang-kadang yo setres sendiri lihat temen-temen yang bisa main gitar, main piano, dll. Lha aku daridulu pengen les musik tapi gak jadi-jadi --''
Tapi yo gakpapa lah. Bersyukur aja. Mungkin bukannya nggak ada bakat, tapi belum ketemu (?) hahaha.
Udah ya, ini post geje. Mau curhat tapi belum sempet beli buku diary. (?) Jadi ditulis disini aja. Hahahah

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hello. Aku mau bilang kalo sekarang blogku agak rusak. Jadi postingannya tuh 'kepajang' 2 kali. Cuma mau minta perhatian aja, kalo ada postingan 2 kali, langsung ke halaman berikutnya aja kalo mau lihat postingan sebelumnya. Atau kalo nggak ke tumblrku aja, disitu ada beberapa postingan yang nggak masuk sini.
thanks all

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aww :3

Tadi aku kan naik bemo. Nah ada ibu-ibu. Ibu-ibunya tuh ngelihatin dasiku. Nyaritau nama sekolahku. Aku sih diem aja, pura2 gatau. Takut bikin tersinggung.
Trus ibunya tanya, "sekolah di smp 6 ya?"
Aku : "iya"
Ibunya: "dimana itu?"
Aku : "jalan Jawa"
Ibunya : "Jauh banget ya, rumahnya dimana?"
Aku : "Dinas Peternakan, Ahmad Yani"
Ibunya : "oo-oh"
Ibunya : "kelas 1 ya?"
Aku : "iya.."
Ibunya : *ngelihatin bajuku* "kok nggak pake nama dada?"
Aku : "belum dipasang *nahan ketawa*"
Ibunya : "baru pindah ya?"
Aku : "ngga kok, cuman belum dipasang aja"
Ibunya : "mbaknya cantik"
Aku : *blushing*
Ibunya : "ini rambutnya jangan nutupin mata" *ngebenerin poni acakacakan kesayanganku*
Aku : "hehehe"
Ibunya : *ngomong2 ke ibu sebelahnya* "iya lho, mbaknya ini cantik, tinggi lagi"
Ibu2 lain: "iya tinggi.."
Aku : *blushing*

Ih waaaw, masa aku dibilang cantik? what!?
Yasudah deh, makasih :D sampe rumah, aku ke cermin. Ternyata aku nggak sejelek yang aku bayangkan. Tapi tetep aja aneh kalo ada orang yang nggak dikenal bilang aku cantik. Tanpa bermaksud menyindir pula. ha-ha-ha
Another postingan geje from me (:

HPku sering stres ._.

Sekarang ini, hpku udah agak setres. Kadang-kadang, tiba-tiba touchscreennya tuh error. Nggak bisa di sentuh. Bisa sih disentuh (iyalah) tapi nggak ngerespon. Trus tiba-tiba hapeku nge-reboot sendiri. Mati, trus nyala lagi. Restrarting gitu deh. Pas pertama kali terjadi, aku mikir gini : duh, duh, hapeku kenapa? plis dong Corb, jangan rusak, kamu hapeku satusatunya. Pliiiis. Aku sayang kamu hape, jangan rusak dong. Nanti aku kesepian. Nanti nggak bisa dengerin musik. (ngomong-ngomong, hapeku aku panggil Corb)  .
Tapi makin lama makin sering error. Akhirnya aku bilangnya gini : Ah, dammit! kenapa sih kamu sering error? ergh! kamu niat nggak sih jadi hape? awas kamu!

Haha, ini postingan geje. Iseng doang biar blog nggak kosong. Lalala~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

quote by me ;)

tumblr is totally amazing. but i have sooo many lifestories in my blog ♥